PETIN - METON calendar
Contents - Introduction
Resume 1
The Global Calendar, constructed with application of similar structures of lunar months, has advantages in comparison with other calendars, for example:
- each month (a quarter of year and year) begins and comes to an end at the same days of a week,
- durations of lunar months are unified - 29 and 30 days,
- dates of months and days of a week are synchronized with Moon’s phases,
- it is not required to introduce "special" dates. Dates 2 and 17 (or 1 and 16, or 15) of lunar months are the same usual integral days of a week, as well as all others,
- structure of lunar months is constant and easily remembered,
- the quantity of working days in each month is constant (24 days at a 6-day working week and 20 days at a 5-day working week).
In a calendar there are the precise methods of the drift compensation of solar and lunar calendars relatively each other, and the chosen calendar structure (see ).
The drift period (1 lunar month) of midday meridian of a Date 1, Month 1, Year 1 of each Meton cycle concerning a midday meridian of Southern solstice Date is compensated in the PETIN-METON calendar by excepting the additional Month 13 in every 6471-st year (i.e. in 11-th year of every 341-st Меtîn cycle).
Note. At the calendar calculation it was conditionally accepted, that the initial durations of solar and lunar cycles (equal accordingly 365,242195 and 29,5305888531 days) do not change during the term of a calendar action application.
Some additional characteristics of a new Global Calendar are given in the comparative table - .
Contents - Introduction