PETIN - METON calendar


 Contents -       Introduction


   Natural cycles:


- sutki (day + night) - mean duration of a revolution of the Earth about the axis,


- solar year (tropical) = 365,242195 sutki - mean duration of the time interval

   between two consecutive passages of the centre of the Sun through the

   Eastern equinox point,

- solar Meton cycle = 19 solar years = 6939,6017 sutki - the period of time, after which    

  the sequences of solar eclipses practically repeat themselves,

- solar Grand Meton cycle = 341 solar Meton cycles = 6479 solar years =

   2 366 404,2 sutki - the period of time, after which the Earth and the Moon (in  

   the Southern solstice day) come back to the initial position concerning the Sun,


- lunation (lunar sinodic month) = 29,5305888531 sutki - mean value of the time interval

   between two consecutive identical phases of the Moon,

- lunar year = 12 (13) lunations - time intervals according to Table-calendars (types

   лю, лб, лcorr) √   ,

- lunar Meton cycle = 235 lunations = 6939,6883 sutki - mean value of a time interval

   after which sequences of solar eclipses repeat themselves,

- lunar Grand Meton cycle = (341 У 235 √ 1) lunations = 2 366 404,2 sutki - time interval,

   after which the Earth and the Moon (in the Southern solstice day) come back to the   

   initial position concerning the Sun.


- 1 precession cycle = 25 796,178 solar years (tropical) is the period  of  movement  the

    Earth axis on the cycle cone  about stars (precession).  In the  PETIN √ METON

    Calendar the influence of precession is taken into account by means of the solar years


- d  - the drift of the lunar cycle relatively the solar cycle.


                           (6939,6883 √ 6939,6017) sutki                 sutki                       sutki

 velocity of drift d = -------------------------------------------  = 0,00456 ------   (or  0, 0866 ---------------- )

                                     19 solar years                               year                    Meton cycle


     Calendar cycles:


Ю) solar calendar:

         - sutki - the period of time equal to the mean duration of natural sutki,

         - solar month - a time interval determined, for example, by the Gregorian

            solar calendar,

-  solar year = 365 sutki,

-  leap-year = 366 sutki,

-  an intercalary day = 1 sutki,

-  solar Meton cycle лю = 19 solar years = 6940 sutki √     

-  solar Meton cycle лб = лю - 1 sutki = 6939 sutki , 

-  solar Grand Meton cycle GMet = 6479 solar years = 2 366 404 sutki.


A note.   In the PETIN-METON Calendar the rules of the solar (seasonal) calendar

                correspond to  the rules of the Gregorian Calendar .


А) lunar-solar calendar (a calendar of eclipses):

         - sutki - the period of time equal to the mean duration of natural sutki,

         - lunation LA = 30 sutki - a time interval between two consecutive

               identical phases of the Moon, approximated to an integer to the greater side,


         - lunation LB = 29 sutki - a time interval between two consecutive

               identical phases of the Moon, approximated to an integer to the smaller side,

         - lunar year LYA = LA+LB+LA+LB+LA+LB+LA+LB+LA+LB+LA+LB = 354 sutki,              

         - lunar year LYB = LA+LB+LA+LB+LA+LB+LA+LB+LA+LB+LA+LA = 355 sutki,

         - lunar year LYC = LYA + LA = 384 sutki,

         - lunar Meton cycle лю = 235 lunations = 8 LYA + 4 LYB + 7 LYC = 6940 sutki,

         - lunar Meton cycle лб = 235 lunations = 9 LYA + 3 LYB + 7 LYC = 6939 sutki,

         - correcting Meton cycle лcorr = (235-1) lunations = 10 LYA+3 LYB+6 LYC = 6909 sutki,

         - base lunar cycle Metюбю = MA+MB+MA = 20 819 sutki,

         - lunar Hipparh cycle HA = 5 Metюбю + MA = 111 035 sutki,

         - lunar Hipparh cycle Hб = HA + MA + Metюбю = 138 794 sutki,

         - lunar Petin cycle PA =  4 [5 (MA+MB+MA)+MA]+2MA+MB+MA = 471 899 sutki,

         - lunar Grand Meton cycle GMet = 3 PA + Mcorr + 2 PA= 2 366 404 sutki.


         In section ╚ Table - calendars ╩ (   )

are shown the alternation and the durations of the cycles of the PETIN-METON calendar

within the limits of an interval of time - 6479 solar years:


- лЕtНn-cycles:

          - 19-year лЕton-cycle лю (6 940 sutki),

          - 19-year лЕton-cycle лб (6 939 sutki),

          - 19-year лЕton-cycle лcorr (6 909 sutki),


- a base лЕton-cycle:

          -  57-year лЕton-cycle (20 819 sutki),


- Hipparch-cycles:

          -  304-year Hipparch-cycle HA (111 035 sutki),

          -  380-year Hipparch-cycle мб (138 794 sutki),


- Petin-cycles:

          - 1292-year Petin-cycle пю (471 899 sutki),

          - 1311-year Petin-cycle пб (478 808 sutki),


- Great лЕton-cycle:

          - 6479-year cycle GMet (2 366 404 sutki).


The beginning of nearest next the Great лЕton-cycle (i.e.GMet-2 ) is  December  21, 1786 CE.


    The days are counted out since the beginning ( 0 ) of  The PETIN-METON Calendar  epoch, which was at noon of  December, 21,  4694 BCE ( Gregorian proleptic calendar)  - see also:  . The midday of this Date coincided  with the Southern solstice and  the New Moon, i.e. it was the eclipse of the Sun at this moment.

     Note.  A unique peculiarity of the date - December, 21,  4694 BCE ( Gregorian proleptic calendar) - is a recurrence in a lunar cycle ( on January, 19,  4693 BCE)  the second solar eclipse. 


It is possible to use the UNIQUE  natural combinations for

      creating the other beginning ( 0 ) of the Global Calendar.


A.  The threefold combination of natural phenomenon  with

      the Southern solstice:

-  the Southern solstice,   December,  21, 1786,

-  the solar eclipse  ╧ 1,  December,  20, 1786,

-  the solar eclipse  ╧ 2,  January,  19,  1787  - 


is  the UNIQUE  natural combination, which can be

observed only in 6479 solar years or in

(341 x 235  - 1 ) lunations, i.e.:


The combination  ╧ 1 could be observed  like:

-  the Southern solstice,   December,  21,  -4693 solar year

                                   (Astronomical Gregorian Calendar - AGC),

-  the solar eclipse  ╧ 1,  December,  20,  -4693 solar year (AGC),

-  the solar eclipse  ╧ 2,  January,  19,  -4692 solar year (AGC).    


The combination  ╧ 2 could be observed  like:

-  the Southern solstice,   December,  21, 1786 яе,

-  the solar eclipse  ╧ 1,  December,  20, 1786 яе,

-  the solar eclipse  ╧ 2,  January,  19,  1787 яе


The combination  ╧ 3 will be observed like:

-  the Southern solstice,   December,  21, 8265 яе,

-  the solar eclipse  ╧ 1,  December,  20, 8265 яе,

-  the solar eclipse  ╧ 2,  January,  19,  8266 яе



B. The threefold combination of natural phenomenon 

      with the Eastern equinox

   (in each  -/+ 6479 solar years or in 
(341x235 - 1) lunations, i.e.: 


- 1689 Mar 21  10:06             

- 1689 Apr 19  18:39  


  1. The threefold combination of natural phenomenon

         with the Northern solstice: 

   (in each  -/+ 6479 solar years or in

(341x235 - 1) lunations, i.e.:           


- 1982 Jun 21  12:04              

- 1982 Jul 20  18:44  


  1. The threefold combination of natural phenomenon 

       with the Western equinox: 

   (in each  -/+ 6479 solar years or in

(341x235 - 1) lunations, i.e.:            


- 3038 Sep 21  04:34           

- 3038 Oct 20  13:06     


  In step to the specified natural cycles there occur daily, monthly, year changes of sun light, temperatures, electromagnetic, gravitational and radiating fields on the Earth. It influences the environmental nature, biorhythms of  animals and flora.


Formats of the calendar dates in the PETIN-METON Calendar,  

for example, September 17, 2006 CE (Gregorian calendar):                                                          


a)      solar calendar:

-         date ! Gregory year            - for example: Date 271, year 2006                                                         


-    Gregory date ! Gregory month ! Gregory year  -  September 17, 2006 CE

                                                                                 (Gregorian calendar)


b)      lunar-solar calendar:

 -    date ! lunation ! Gregory year   - for example: Date 21, lunation11, year 2006                                                            


 -    date ! lunation ! lunar year ! Meton-cycle ! Grand Meton-cycle   -

                - for example: Date 21, lunation 11, lunar year 11, Meton-cycle 12, GMet 2


Attention! In the text the terms and symbols can be of former edition, for example:

      - L, that corresponds лю,

      - s     ╚           ╚          лб,

      - Ls   ╚           ╚          Mcorr,

      - b     ╚           ╚          MetABA,

      - day  ╚           ╚         sutki.

Author apologizes for inconvenience which will be eliminated in the near future.


      Contents -         Introduction

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